Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Black Imagination By Bell Hooks - 837 Words
In the featured article ‘Representing Whiteness in the Black Imagination’, the author bell hooks brings our attention to her opinion of the impression colored people would have on about white people. Bell hooks opens her article by informing us about the times of slavery and how black people would gossip about what they have observed of the white folk. This knowledge was shared for their survival and easier living as domestic servants. Now, however, colored and white people live coherent with one another but hooks argues that even now the hatred still exists. Hooks explains that systems of domination, imperialism, colonialism and racism have taught the black man to imitate the white (or ‘ghosts’ as she refers to) but still contain the fear and hatred for them. When observing a scenario where the white race first views a black individual the impression the white man has, is different from that of the amazement the African American had in the scenario where Af rican American saw the first white man. Hooks noted that during classroom discussions white students are amazed that black people would think so highly of them. This is racist thinking, as racists believe that they are superior to the gaze of a black man. This racism still exists in society today as the media rarely uses a black figure, symbolizing that the black man is far beneath the white man. The white man is eager to write about blackness but black people do not as they are afraid of offending their readers. EvenShow MoreRelatedThe Black Imagination By Bell Hooks954 Words  | 4 Pages bell hooks, renowned black feminist and cultural critic criticizes the lack of racial awareness in her essay, Representing Whiteness in the Black Imagination (1992). ‘bell hooks’ is written in lower case to convey that the substance of her work reigns more important than the writer. From a marginalized perspective, hooks argues that sites of dominance, not otherness is problemat ic and critiques the lack of attention that white scholars pay to the representation of whiteness in the black imaginationRead MoreThe Black Imagination By Bell Hooks961 Words  | 4 PagesRepresenting whiteness in the black imagination is an article based on black perceptions and emotions regarding whites and their wrongful actions. Bell hooks, the author, voices the true emotions of blacks and discusses different ways in which whites attempt to modify these perceptions. She includes real-life experiences of people of color and stresses their emotions and fear when witnessing a white person. The article, Representing Whiteness in the Black Imagination, by bell hooks, abandons traditionalRead MoreThe Black Imagination By Bell Hooks1096 Words  | 5 Pagespractices. These measures are recognized as the intent standard in which other cultures are persuaded to live by. Bell hooks discusses the evolution of whiteness in an innovative article in which she theorizes this conviction as normative, a structural advantage, an inclusive standpoint, and an unmarked name by those who are manipulating this interdisciplinary. Most intellects, including hooks, would argue that whiteness is a continuation of history; a dominant cultural location that has been unconsciouslyRead MoreRepresenting Whiteness In The Black Imagination By Bell Hooks Summary1519 Words  | 7 Pagesof dominance over black people and their feelings. In this case, an intersectional feminist analysis matters because women who are able bodied, cis-gendered, privileged and white are only being considered whereas bell hooks argue that men, women and trans people who oppressed should be fought for. And Peggy McIntosh adds onto this but a white woman who addresses and recognizes her privilege to help other white individuals understand what they have and blacks do not. In bell hooks, â€Å"Representing WhitenessRead MoreGender, Racial, Sexuality, Race, And Class ( 11 )975 Words  | 4 Pagesadvance frameworks for recognizing the intersection of gender, sexuality, race, and class (11). Frankenberg and hooks share a racist discourse of hyper visibility towards African Americans; however, Frankenberg notes the invisibility towards Asian Americans and Native American minorities (12). Here, race is constructed as a biological category while whiteness embodies superiority. Hooks argues that stereotypes; however inaccurate, are one form of representation for a desired category and project aRead MoreThe Readings White Privilege : Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack, By Peggy Mcintosh, White Women, Race Matters1425 Words  | 6 PagesThe readings White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh, White Women, Race Matters by Ruth Frankenberg and Representing Whiteness in the Black Imagination, by bell hooks, all cover the issue of whi teness from different perspectives. There are many aspects of whiteness; in this essay, I will argue that the two most important features are the absence of knowledge of the issue on the part of white people and stereotype consequences. A key point in racism is whiteness, andRead MoreEssay about Caucasia written by Danzy Senna1336 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough society advocates believing in a ‘sameness’ between people who are black or white, individuals are still organized by race, class, gender and sexuality into social hierarchies. These hierarchies essentially formulate stigmas that suppress certain races and discriminate against them. Caucasia written by Danzy Senna is focused around a young mixed girl, Birdie, who encounters obstacles in her life that help her form her own perceptions about issues regarding class, race, and sexuality. TheseRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Bluest Eye 1484 Words  | 6 PagesWithin The Bluest Eye, as in real life, black peo ple, no matter their wealth or education, are constantly faced with the assumptions and demands of a Eurocentric dominated world. Some of these involve encounters with actual people, as when white furniture movers refuse to take back the Breedlove’s torn couch, or when a white candy store owner displays his contemptuous indifference towards Pecola because she’s black. In the novel,Morrison looks deeply into the personality of her characters, exploringRead MoreThe Roots And Stylistic Foundations Of The Rap Music Tradition1778 Words  | 8 Pagesexpression and sharing, even amongst segregated and disadvantaged localities. bell hooks’ â€Å"The Coolness of Being Real†1. In the very first paragraph of her essay, hooks writes â€Å"Black male cool was defined by the ability to withstand the heat and remain centered.†What do we generally mean by the word cool? List several connotations of the word. Which of them applies most directly to hooks’s meaning? What does hooks mean by â€Å"centered†? The contemporary understanding of cool oftentimes aligns itselfRead MoreTrauma And Recovery By Judith Herman Essay2378 Words  | 10 Pagesreality. II. Hooks, Bell. Ain’t I a Woman excerpts || McGuire, Danielle. At the Dark End of the Street. (**Combined Readings**) Bell Hooks’, â€Å"Ain’t I a Woman†, a novel which I fell in love with while enrolled in a Women and Gender studies course at Pace University, tells of the racist and sexist experiences of black women in America and how these attitudes often affect conversations regarding social justice and history in the context of feminist and anti-racial crusades. Hooks makes the connection
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Effects Of Diabetes Mellitus On The Body And Its Functioning
Diabetes Age, percentages brief explanation symptoms Risk and environmental factors, different types rate per†¦. graphs and tables explain the figures, reasons for increases and decreases Diabetes mellitus is an inherited and/or acquired endocrine metabolic disease distinguished by high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) which occurs as a result of insufficient insulin levels and/or resistance to its actions in the body. It is diagnosed by determining the fasting or random blood-glucose concentration and sometimes by the oral glucose tolerance test. In connection, insulin is a polypeptide hormone of complex structure found in the beta cells of the pancreas which is recognised for its important role in the regulation of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. It controls blood glucose levels. As such, a decrease in insulin levels causes an increase in glucose concentration in the blood which, ultimately, has a detrimental effect on the body and its functioning. Diabetes mellitus is the fourth most prominent disease causing death in the U.S. largely due to its diminishing of the cardiovascular system. More commonly referred to as type 1, IDDM is scarcer of the two types, present in only around 15% of all diabetics. Although it is not specific to one particular age group it is more often found in preadolescent children and stays with them throughout their lives. Its name derives from the dependence and necessity of insulin to maintain the functioning of the body andShow MoreRelatedCase Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus1323 Words  |à ‚ 6 PagesIntroduction Diabetes mellitus is a chronic health condition associated with high concentrations of glucose in the blood and urine. The effective function of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems is essential in the control, communication and movement of the body. Cindy Openshaw’s case of Type 2 diabetes mellitus poses a negative influence of the successful function nervous and musculoskeletal systems. In regards to Cindy Openshaw, the functioning of her nervous and musculoskeletal systems willRead MoreAnalysis Diabetes I And Ii1540 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿JS Hirsch (2006) in his history of diabetes mellitus I and II notes that in the centuries when this disease was poorly understood, it was known by doctors as the pissing evil (26). Hirsch quotes the medical hypothesis of a Greek doctor in the first century, who described a patients death from diabetes as the melting down of flesh and limbs into urine (26). In fact, the formal scientific name for the disease still reflects this anti quated view of its operation, as Hirsch notes that the GreekRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus And Contemporary Naturopathic Medicine1493 Words  | 6 PagesDiabetes Mellitus and Contemporary Naturopathic Medicine The world is plagued with an overwhelming amount of chronic health conditions. Many people accept this as a part of life, sometimes just assuming it will happen to them because their parents or grandparents suffered with the same condition. Many of these chronic conditions are linked and can shorten your lifespan and increase the amount of pain that a person has to deal with daily. Usually a person suffers with more than one of these conditionsRead More Diabetes Mellitus Essay examples1745 Words  | 7 PagesDiabetes mellitus (DM) or simply diabetes, is a chronic health condition in which the body either fails to produce the amount of insulin needed or it responds inadequately to the insulin secreted by the pancreas. The three primary types of diabetes are: Diabetes Type 1 and 2, and during some pregnancies, Gestational diabetes. The clichà © for all three types of diabetes is high glucose blood levels or hyperglycemia. The pathophysiology of all types of diabetes mellitus is related to the hormone insulinRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus As A Chronic Metabolic Disorder Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pages Chapter - 23 Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body to utilise glucose completely or partially. It is characterised by raised glucose concentration in the blood and alterations in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. This can be due to failure in the formation of insulin or liberation or action. Since insulin is produced by the p cells of the islets of Langerhans, any receding in the number of functioning cells will decrease the amountRead MoreEssay on Chronic Renal Failure830 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Every human body contains one pair of kidneys. They are situated towards the back of the body under the ribs, just at the level of the waist, with one on each side of the body. Each kidney is composed of about one million units called nephrons, and each nephron consists of two parts: a filter, called the glomerulus and a tubule leading out from the nephrons (Cameron 1999). According to Marshall and Bangert (2008), the kidneys have three major functions: firstly, the kidneysRead MoreDiabetes And Hearing Loss Among Americans Essay1495 Words  | 6 PagesAffects Diabetes Has on Hearing Diabetes is regarded one of the major health concerns in the United States given the increase of diabetes cases throughout the country. In the past few decades, diabetes has continued to affect adults and children in the United States. The increase of this condition has been associated with several considerable impacts since it generates numerous medical and related phenomena in the American society. One of the medical phenomena generated by diabetes is hearingRead More Diabetes Mellitus Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pages Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition which afflicts millions of people around the world. It is related to the insulin hormone, which is secreted by cells in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the bloodstream and supports the body with breaking down the glucose to be used as energy. In someone who has diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or cells don’t respond to the insulin that is produced. There are three m ain types of diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestationalRead MoreThe Hypothesis That Increased Glucagon Like Peptide1094 Words  | 5 Pagesthe hypothesis that increased glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) secretion explains the improvement in insulin secretion after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Surgery (therapeutic long-term treatment for patients with morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus) a) â€Å"The overall metagenomic RYGB-induced shift was characterized by a reduction of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes and an increase of Proteobacteria . . . Highly correlated species [of bacterium] were assembled into two common components. ComponentRead MoreDiabetes- Informative Speech outline Essay892 Words  | 4 Pagestypes of diabetes. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter:  Show of hands. How many of you all have or know someone with Diabetes? B. Reason to Listen:  According to the â€Å"2013 Fast Fact Sheet†from the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, which is nearly 10% of the U.S. population. *exact facts are: 25.8 mil and 8.3% C. Credibility Statement: Almost all of my family on the mother’s side has had or are living with Diabetes. In 10th
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
My Favorite Rapper Essay Example For Students
My Favorite Rapper Essay Music Appreciation August 28, 2013 My Favorite Artist KEVIN GATES Kevin Gates is a rapper from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He was born February 5, 1986 in Baton Rouge and grew up watching his grandparents and mother play music. He began rapping in the seventh grade and that is when everyone started noticing his talent. Kevin Gates was not only known growing up for his ability to rhyme, but also for his academic intelligence. He is one of the few rappers with a college education. Growing up, he was a good kid until his grandfather, his only father fgure, died when he was in the 8th grade. He took to the streets and began running with the wrong crowd, trying to cope with his emotions in all the wrong ways. He was in and out of Juvenile detention and that is when his grandmother and mother decided to direct his focus toward music. They set up a studio in his grandmothers basement and that is where is all began. He eventually put out several mixtapes that were well eceived, but was once again set back in 2009 when he was sent to prison for three years for his wayward behavior from earlier in his life. He focused on his music while in prison and came out stronger than ever. His music is real because he claims that everything he raps about, he did and lived. He caught the attention of Lil Wayne, who flew him to Miami to lay a few tracks with him. Since then, he has been on his way to the top and people Just cant get enough. My favorite Kevin gates song is hero. The yrics say it all A coward dies a thousand times, a soldier dies uno. immortal dies zero. I like this song because it speaks toa persons character. If it was up to me, Id rather die a hero.. these lyrics speak to what Kevin still stands for today. Even with his stardom and fame, he still finds time to go to schools and other organizations involved with youth to promote the importance of making the right choices. These are some of the reasons why Kevin Gates is my favorite artist, song writer, and rapper.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Word Tip of the Week Using Tables to Insert Images - The Writers For Hire
WORD TIP OF THE WEEK: USING TABLES TO INSERT IMAGES Have you ever tried inserting a bunch of images into a document by just clicking on Pictures in the Insert tab? If so, you might have spent the next 30 minutes trying to drag them into place, then another 30 trying to fix your text formatting. Once everything looked like it was wrangled into place, you added a little more text†¦.and BAM! Word went wild yet again. Fixing this issue is as easy as inserting a table before you insert a photo. Seriously, tables will fix it all! 1. In the Word document, place your cursor where you want to insert an image. 2. Click the Insert tab, then click on Table. The Insert Table menu will appear. 3. For a single image, select a 11 table. A table will be inserted into your document. 4. Click inside the inserted table to make your cursor appear. 5. Click the Insert tab again, then Pictures. 6. Choose your image and insert it into the table. Once your image is in the table, you can click the table borders to make the image     bigger or smaller. Or, click the arrow cross in the upper-left corner to drag the table into a new position. Of course, now your image is very obviously inside a table. But don’t worry, you can make those lines disappear: 1. Right click on the arrow cross in the upper left corner. 2. In the menu that appears, choose Table Properties. 3. In the dialogue box that appears, click the Borders and Shading button. 4. Another box will appear. Click None. 5. Click OK. The table borders around your image will disappear! Once you’ve mastered inserting images into tables, use tables to manipulate the look of your whole Word document by using them to keep your content in the right place. Looking for more Word tips like this one? Check out our whole list!
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